Coasters Chocolate Sayings

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  • Code: TE474-2
  • Size: 10x10x1 cm
Chocolate is one of the best little pleasures in the world. There's nothing like sitting down at the end of a rough day with a piece of chocolate to forget all your troubles as you finally get to put your feet up and relax. These Chocolate Sayings Coasters from Lavida pay homage to your love affair with chocolate and all its rich decadence.
Each set of four coasters has a different saying; 2 coasters are tan and 2 are dark brown. The set features the sayings "Chocolate doesn't ask silly questions. Chocolate understands," "All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt," "Chocolate to make you feel better," and "Instant happiness just add hot chocolate." While these would be fabulous in your home, they would also make a great gift. Put them in a gift basket with a bottle of wine and a few boxes of chocolate and you're good to go!